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XIs perform their play set in Renaissance Venice.

XIs perform their play set in Renaissance Venice.

XIIs in the class of 1962 perform their play on Greek mythology.

Students rest on mats while their teacher reads aloud in the Rhythms room.

IXs gather to discuss their colonial play in the Rhythms Room.

Caption by David Lebe, member of Class of 1962:
City & Country School, class of '62, IXs. Rhythms class, play about pioneers. 1957-8?. Scanned copy from faded snap shot most likely…

Students play with balloons in a Rhythms class.

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Class of 1962 rehearsing a play about Greek mythology in rhythms.

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Class of 1962 are working on a school play in rhythms.

Class of 1962 are rehearsing for a play in rhythms. Photograph includes Jonny, Kim and Robert.

Class of 1962 making themselves into a sewing maching in rhythms. Photograph includes, left to right, Greg, Debbie, Janie, and, in the back, Danny.
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