Jobs Program

Dublin Core


Jobs Program


City and Country School was founded on the belief that children learn best when they are engaged in real-life situations that are important to them. Unique to C&C, the Jobs Program allows children to continue to learn by doing and plays a central role in the School’s integrated curriculum.

Each Middle and Upper School Group has a specific job to perform that helps the school community function smoothly. The children have ample opportunity to practice and expand their academic skills, including mathematics, reading and writing, while further developing leadership, critical thinking and problem-solving tools. Because they are performing real jobs that meet real needs, the children also develop a genuine sense of ownership and pride in their school community.

The Jobs Program provides a context for essential hands-on learning. In addition to allowing children to put their academic skills into meaningful practice, it helps them to develop a solid respect for the full spectrum of roles within a community and gives them a confidence based on real work experience. The Jobs Program teaches children to be responsible to themselves, their Group, the School…and society. As the backbone of our Middle and Upper School programs, the School’s founder, Caroline Pratt believed it is what sets C&C children apart from their peers in the high school setting.

“Anyone working with or watching these children soon realizes the deeper psychological aspect of this type of program. It gives a child a sense of dignity and responsibility to be entrusted with a job whose importance he fully recognizes…All his abilities are called into play. He learns self-control, patience, self-discipline. He accepts the need for drill and for special work in areas where he is weak, so he will be better able to serve his customers and his community.”
—Jean Murray, former principal of C&C

Collection Items

IXs School Store, Circa 1950-60
IXs working in the school store.

IXs, School Store, Circa 1970
IXs work in school store.

IXs, Store, 1990
IXs work in the school store.

IXs, Store, Undated
IXs work in the school store.

Store, 1990
IXs work in the school store.

XIs, Printing Press, 1990
The XIs using the printing press.

XIs, Printing Press, 1949-50
The XIs working in the print shop.

XIs, Printing Press, Undated
An XI working on the printing press.

IXs Count Money at the Store, 1990
Two IXs count money as part of their job running the school store.

VIIIs-IXs store
counting the change
Alexander _
Settling accounts in the school store

IXs Working in the Store, 1990
IXs work in the school store.
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