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In the Yard, Xs re-enact the epic poem, "Odysseus," in their social studies play, culminating their studies of Greece, on May 29, 1923. In this scene, they are playing lyres in the court of Phaeacia. The audience of children looks on.

IVs and Vs create a fishing scene with docks, a bridge, and fishing poles made from sticks, in 1921.

IVs Roof.jpg
IVs play "coal" on the roof with outdoor blocks during the 1921-22 school year.

Teacher: Jessie Stanton

Students: Enrico Paglieri, Betty Elser, Seymour Cohen

Photo taken by Fred Dewey.

Chariot Race.jpg
In the Yard, Xs re-enact the epic poem, "Odysseus," in their social studies play, culminating their studies of Greece, on May 29, 1923. In this scene, the children re-enact a chariot race. The audience of adults looks on.
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