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XIs perform their play set in Renaissance Venice.

XIs perform their play set in Renaissance Venice.

IXs gather to discuss their colonial play in the Rhythms Room.

Caption by David Lebe, member of Class of 1962:
City & Country School, class of '62, IXs. Rhythms class, play about pioneers. 1957-8?. Scanned copy from faded snap shot most likely…

XIIs in the class of 1962 perform their play on Greek mythology.

IXs 1937.jpg
IXs gather under their wagon as their prepare for their play about the Oregon Trail.

Oregon Trail

Westward Expansion - very meaningful to alums

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IXs 1955.jpg
A group of IXs re-enact the crossing the great divide during a play in the Rhythms room, based on their social studies work.

IXs, 1955
Crossing the Great Divide
Class of '59

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Xs perform a medieval play in the ball yard, as part of their social studies work.

X, and who else?

Chariot Race.jpg
In the Yard, Xs re-enact the epic poem, "Odysseus," in their social studies play, culminating their studies of Greece, on May 29, 1923. In this scene, the children re-enact a chariot race. The audience of adults looks on.

XIs Play.jpg
XIs, in the 1920s, use outdoor blocks to dramatize their social studies play.

In the Yard, Xs re-enact the epic poem, "Odysseus," in their social studies play, culminating their studies of Greece, on May 29, 1923. In this scene, they are playing lyres in the court of Phaeacia. The audience of children looks on.

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