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Chariot Race.jpg
In the Yard, Xs re-enact the epic poem, "Odysseus," in their social studies play, culminating their studies of Greece, on May 29, 1923. In this scene, the children re-enact a chariot race. The audience of adults looks on.

XIs Play.jpg
XIs, in the 1920s, use outdoor blocks to dramatize their social studies play.

In the Yard, Xs re-enact the epic poem, "Odysseus," in their social studies play, culminating their studies of Greece, on May 29, 1923. In this scene, they are playing lyres in the court of Phaeacia. The audience of children looks on.

In the Yard, Xs re-enact the epic poem, "Odysseus," in their social studies play, culminating their studies of Greece, on May 29, 1923. In this scene, they are listening to Circe's singing, outside the palace doors. The audience of children looks…

In the Yard, Xs re-enact the epic poem, "Odysseus," in their social studies play, culminating their studies of Greece, on May 29, 1923. In this scene, Hermes is warning Odysseus against Circe's charms. The audience of children looks on.

In the Yard, Xs re-enact the epic poem, "Odysseus," in their social studies play, culminating their studies of Greece, on May 29, 1923. The audience of children and adults looks on.

Verso of print: Children watching Group X's "Adventures of…

Children in Yard to peform their social studies play, in the 1920s. Children look on from a balcony.

Middle School children performing in a play.

Upper School students perform in a play.

Upper School students perform in a play.
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